we are


Now in the third generation of our family, we provide culinary moments of happiness and romantic weddings in our hotel and restaurant.

Family is our greatest asset. We, a family business as it is written in the book, have been working hand in hand for three generations for the well-being of our guests. Tradition benefits from innovation and vice versa.

Creating feel-good moments that people like to remember. That's what counts. We love our job, which for us is more of a vocation than just earning a living, and we enjoy delighting our guests time and time again. We invite you to be our guest at the Landhotel Rosenschänke with first-class country cuisine and warm, friendly service.

We, the Walther & Connerth-Walther family

welcome you as hosts in our home.

Ihre Gastgeber als Familie
we are


Now in the third generation of our family, we provide culinary moments of happiness and romantic weddings in our hotel and restaurant.

Family is our greatest asset. We, a family business as it is written in the book, have been working hand in hand for three generations for the well-being of our guests. Tradition benefits from innovation and vice versa.

Creating feel-good moments that people like to remember. That's what counts. We love our job, which for us is more of a vocation than just earning a living, and we enjoy delighting our guests time and time again. We invite you to be our guest at the Landhotel Rosenschänke with first-class country cuisine and warm, friendly service.

We, the Walther & Connerth-Walther family

welcome you as hosts in our home.

Evelyn Walther

As head of the Landhotel Rosenschänke, she also holds the sceptre of the kitchen in her hand. Full of curiosity and zest for action, she has been spoiling the loyal guests of the Landhotel Rosenschänke for over 30 years.

Whether it's herbs from her own garden, home-smoked ham or her love of classic roasts from the region. She loves her homeland and you can taste it.

SUSTAINABLE and yet not cerebral. REGIONAL and yet cosmopolitan. INNOVATIVE and yet down-to-earth.

Evelyn Walther
Stephanie Connerth-Walther


Evelyn's daughter is a true jack-of-all-trades: some know her as a helpful wedding fairy, others as a friendly smile at reception, but everyone knows her as a warm hostess and sommelier at reception.

As junior manager, she pulls the strings and makes our guests feel at home. After all, the qualified restaurant specialist learnt this from scratch during her training at the 5-star plus Hotel Barreis in Baiersbronn. And not only that, she even won the Hermann Bareiss Prize for her FHG training.

Olaf Walther

Olaf Walther has been looking after your well-being for over 30 years. The host with a passion for craftsmanship provides the necessary know-how in our cosy hotel with his manual skills.

Be it the comfortable wooden beds that he built himself, the enchanting sandstone elements, our nostalgic cooker in the restaurant or the life-saving freshly brewed coffee in the morning.

It's what makes our hotel unique.

Olaf Walther
Christian Connerth

Christian Connerth

Christian Connerth's favourite room in the hotel is the wine cellar. The trained sommelier and host loves and lives for liquid enjoyment. He learnt his craft so purposefully on his travels across Germany that he won the German Wine Institute's Sommelier Cup in 2015 and was voted one of the top 50 sommeliers in Germany in 2016.

But for him, the best thing is that wine and enjoyment bring people together. After all, that's how he met his wife Stephanie.

As we all know, the way to the heart is through the stomach ...


As the municipality of Kreischa and its surroundings have always been known for the special cultivation of roses, the country hotel bears the romantic name "Rosenschänke". It has been family-owned since 1990. At that time, the former inn, which was already popular during the pre-reunification period, was expanded into a country hotel with 20 beds, an event hall and a cosy garden. Exciting and eventful years followed, during which many celebrations were organised.

With Evelyn Walther and daughter Stephanie Connerth-Walther, the Rosenschänke has now been run by the third generation with a lot of heart, tradition and vision since 2012. Together, they are leading the family business into the future with sensitivity and soul. Each family member contributes their strengths to pull together and create something new with the energy of each individual. In 2012/2013, the former beer garden was transformed into a rose garden with their own hands. All hotel rooms were renovated in 2014. Of course, a new coat of paint was not enough. All rooms were completely gutted by the hotel itself and then given a new lease of life with a harmonious colour scheme, stylish country house furniture and lovely accents.

Klettern im Elbsandsteingebirge
Klettern im Elbsandsteingebirge
Unsere Gemeinde Kreischa liegt am Rande der Sächsischen Schweiz und bietet somit den perfekten Ausgangspunkt für Wanderausflüge oder Erkundungstouren zu den berühmten Sehenswürdigkeiten des imposanten Elbsansteingebirges. Die Sächsische Schweiz hat viel zu bieten! Neben der berühmten Bastei, dem Amselfall und der Festung Königstein gibt es noch viel mehr zu entdecken ...
Wandern im grünen Süden Dresdens
Wandern im grünen Süden Dresdens
Warum in die Ferne schweifen, wenn das Gute liegt so nah?
Kreischa selbst bietet ein 96 Kilometer langes Wanderwege-Netz. Genug Strecke, um für ein paar Tage bei uns im Landhotel die Seele aktiv baumeln zu lassen.
Radeln im malerischen Elbtal
Radeln im malerischen Elbtal
Hier kommt jeder passionierte Radfahrer ganz auf seine Kosten. Der berühmte Elbradweg ist nur wenige Kilometer entfernt. Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit unsere traumhafte Natur in Stadtnähe und das Umland von Dresden, Pirna & Co. mit dem Fahrrad zu erkunden.
Ausflug nach Dresden
Ausflug nach Dresden
Nur 3,5 Kilometer entfernt? In 20 Minuten im Zentrum von Dresden? Nur eine halbe Stunde vom Hauptbahnhof mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln? NATÜRLICH!!! Kreischa ist angrenzende Gemeinde und somit nur einen Katzensprung von der Landeshauptstadt Sachsens entfernt. Wunderbar um die Ruhe des Landlebens mit den Vorzügen der Stadt als Ausflugsziel zu vereinen.


Diverse - that's probably the first thing we think of when we have to describe the location of the Landhotel Rosenschänke.

A cultural excursion to the Frauenkirche or the Old Masters in Dresden is always worthwhile! The centre of the state capital can be reached in 20 minutes by car. As a contrasting programme, you can explore the unique beauty of Saxon Switzerland or the Ore Mountains on foot, by bike or by motorbike. For all wine lovers, an excursion to the nearby Saxon Elbland is a must. Along the Saxon Wine Route, you can get to know passionate winegrowers and fine wines. And gain a deeper insight into the wonderful world of wine on one of the guided wine walks.

If you don't just want to dream about culture, you will of course get your money's worth here in the region - in addition to the historic old town of Dresden, it is worth visiting the numerous palaces and castles in the region or even the city of Prague.

And if you just want to relax, the Geibeltbad in Pirna awaits you with its wonderful sauna and bathing area. An experience for young and old.

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